Become a Member

Become a Member

Charles Santiago APHR represents a unique actor in regional politics: a united movement of elected representatives from across Southeast Asia pushing for ASEAN to become a truly people-centered regional community. Charles Santiago, APHR chair and Malaysian MP
Mu Sochua With support from dedicated Secretariat staff, APHR strengthens solidarity among parliamentarians across borders and party lines. Our distinctive brand of advocacy reflects our mutual recognition that human rights are universal and that the health of democracy throughout the region depends on all of us standing together to push for change. Mu Sochua, APHR Board Member and former Cambodian MP
Abel da Silva The coordinated actions between members and former members of APHR provided strong and consistent voices within the region, thus, APHR has become a respected advocate and at the same time, providing crucial supports to its members in their respective countries, through its regional and international networks. Abel da Silva, APHR member and Timor-Leste MP

How Can APHR Support You?

Capacity building and networking: As an APHR member, you will be plugged into a network of more than 100 MPs across the region and internationally. You will be invited to attend APHR activities and events, including fact-finding missions, workshops and trainings.

Media and communications support: APHR can support you in reaching out to traditional media and using social media platforms to promote issues related to human rights.

Research and advocacy support: APHR provides its members with news analysis, in-depth research, or legal analysis on key human rights issues. APHR can also support you in your interventions in and outside of parliament on human rights.

Solidarity action for parliamentarians at risk: APHR supports parliamentarians at risk under politically motivated attacks by issuing public solidarity statements, helping liaise with the UN and international organisations, and by conducting advocacy on their behalf.

Become a member of APHR

What APHR expects from its members?

Support to fellow members

We call on APHR members to support actions and advocacy to defend the rights of fellow parliamentarians across the Southeast Asia region.

Upholding the values of APHR in their work and activities

We remind APHR members to uphold the core values of the APHR Charter, and to not take actions that contradict these in their activities at all levels.

Attendance to APHR events and activities

We encourage APHR members to join our national and regional events, workshops and activities.

Support of APHR causes and human rights in the region

We encourage APHR members to express their concerns and take actions on key human rights issues in the region by signing statements, speaking in public or in parliament.

APHR logo

ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) was founded in June 2013 with the objective of promoting democracy and human rights across Southeast Asia. Our founding members include many of the region's most progressive Members of Parliament (MPs), with a proven track record of human rights advocacy work.

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