IPI Climate Change

International Parliamentary Inquiry on the Adverse Impacts of Industry Activities on the Environment

APHR is undertaking a parliamentary inquiry to examine the environmental effects of various industries in Southeast Asia, the implications for local communities, and the recommendations needed to facilitate a sustainable transition.


Industries across Southeast Asia significantly impact the environment, from resource generation, production, and waste management, they can affect conservation efforts and degradation of air quality, water, and land. In these, local communities bear the impact, positive or negative, of these activities. This region is particularly susceptible to economic decline if global temperatures continue to rise rapidly. Economic losses from the impacts of climate change in Southeast Asia could be 60% higher than previously estimated, reducing the region's gross domestic product (GDP) by up to 11% by 2100, according to a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) study.

Industries can lead the fight against climate change as there are an estimated 71 million micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Southeast Asia as reported by the Asian Development Bank in 2020. This number encapsulated 97% of all businesses in the region with 67% of the working population being employed by these businesses. An analysis, done in 2022, of the top 100 listed companies across six Southeast Asian countries - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia examined that a majority of businesses (56%) identify climate-related opportunities, compared with less than half (47%) sharing plans on risk mitigation.


  1. To identify industry activities that have the most detrimental impacts to the environment and understand how these industry activities affect local communities, and even communities across borders.
  2. To identify specific environmental challenges in the above-mentioned focus areas caused by different industries.
  3. To compile and analyze all findings from the inquiry into a report with specific recommendations and action plan of what can be done by parliaments, governments, business industries, and other key holders to mitigate (or stop) further environmental degradation.


The Inquiry's scope will focus on industries related to:

  1. Large scale deforestation
  2. Degradation and depletion of coastal and marine resources
  3. Pollution of natural water resources

Target Outcomes

  • Better understanding of community experiences and concerns related to industry activities.
  • Better policies in the three countries in terms of mitigating environmental degradation and impact to communities based on industrial activities.
  • Enhanced cooperation among government, and key industries, communities, and stakeholders.
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ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) was founded in June 2013 with the objective of promoting democracy and human rights across Southeast Asia. Our founding members include many of the region's most progressive Members of Parliament (MPs), with a proven track record of human rights advocacy work.

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